IPV6 Listener Configuration Setup

I am having connection problems from my Windows client running Vista. The
application is using the AG Software XMPP libraries.

My application can not connect at least there are no logs in my server to
suggest that is the case.

I have seen some threads that suggest the IPV6 addressing may be the issue.

Since I am using Vista with IPV6 and the default configuration is IPV4 for
the ejabberd server, this may be my problem.

I've seen is some threads in this forum suggesting howto configure the 5222
listener port to use IPV6. I've tried those suggestins (inet6). The server
fails on startup saying that is illegal.

Can someone showme or point me to an example of how to setup the 5222 listener
to use IPV6 addressing so I can test this to see if this is my issue?

Thank very much for any info!!


Can you show the lines in the

Can you show the lines in the configuration file that you modified and produce the error message?

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