http-bind crashes on connection attempt

I have been tring to get JWChat working with ejabberd and it looks like http-bind crashes when I try to connect with ejabberd. I tried Gajim too using a BOSH connection and get the same results. I have upgraded to ejabberd 2.1.5-1.el5 but it did not help. If anyone can help it would be very much appreciated. Here is what I see in the erlang.log file:

=CRASH REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::17:52:21 ===
    pid: <0.15440.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: {function_clause,
      in function  p1_fsm:init_it/6
    initial call: gen:init_it/6
    ancestors: [ejabberd_c2s_sup,ejabberd_sup,<0.35.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [<0.205.0>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 233
    stack_size: 23
    reductions: 156

=CRASH REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::17:52:26 ===
    pid: <0.15438.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception exit: {noproc,
                                  {"content","text/xml; charset=utf-8"},
      in function  gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/3
      in call from ejabberd_http_bind:http_put/7
      in call from ejabberd_http_bind:handle_http_put/7
      in call from ejabberd_http:process/2
      in call from ejabberd_http:process_request/1
      in call from ejabberd_http:process_header/2
      in call from lists:foldl/3
      in call from ejabberd_http:receive_headers/1
    initial call: ejabberd_http:init/2
    ancestors: [ejabberd_http_sup,ejabberd_sup,<0.35.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [#Port<0.91831>,<0.209.0>,#Port<0.91830>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 4181
    stack_size: 23
    reductions: 2222

=SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::17:52:26 ===
     Supervisor: {local,ejabberd_http_sup}
     Context:    child_terminated
     Reason:     {noproc,
                               {"content","text/xml; charset=utf-8"},
     Offender:   [{pid,<0.15438.1>},

It works for me using: Gajim

It works for me using:

  • Gajim 0.13.1. Proxy: Type: BOSH; URL BOSH: http://localhost:5280/http-bind
  • ejabberd 2.1.5 compiled from source code with Erlang R13B04, configured with
    {listen, [
      {5280, ejabberd_http, [

I see in the log:

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Aug-2010::00:39:06 ===
I(<0.490.0>:ejabberd_listener:232) : (#Port<0.4298>) Accepted connection {{127,0,0,1},46053} -> {{127,0,0,1},5280}

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Aug-2010::00:39:06 ===
I(<0.494.0>:ejabberd_http:138) : started: {gen_tcp,#Port<0.4298>}

INFO REPORT==== 24-Aug-2010::00:39:07 ===
I(<0.496.0>:ejabberd_c2s:716) : ({socket_state,ejabberd_http_bind,{http_bind,<0.495.0>,
{127,0,0,1},46053}},ejabberd_http_bind}) Accepted authentication for badlop by

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Aug-2010::00:39:07 ===
I(<0.496.0>:ejabberd_c2s:839) : ({socket_state,ejabberd_http_bind,{http_bind,<0.495.0>,
{127,0,0,1},46053}},ejabberd_http_bind}) Opened session for badlop@localhost/Gajim

=INFO REPORT==== 24-Aug-2010::00:39:39 ===
I(<0.490.0>:ejabberd_listener:232) : (#Port<0.4357>) Accepted connection
{{127,0,0,1},46060} -> {{127,0,0,1},5280}

http-bind problem fixed with ejabberd 2.1.5-4.el5

Thanks for your reply. I was running ejabberd 2.1.5-1.el5 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 64 bit. I installed ejabberd from the EPEL repository. lemenkov took a look at this issue and released ejabberd 2.1.5-4.el5. I updated to that version and the http-bind issue is fixed. Thanks lemenkov!

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